ASG 1-3A Charger for Li-Po/Li-Fe Batteries

by ASG
SKU 17943
  • This versatile auto-stop smart charger from ASG has the ability to charge both Li-Po and Li-Fe batteries.
  • It can charge at three different rates, 1A, 2A and 3A, depending on the amperage of your battery.
  • Use 1A for small batteries up to 500mAh, use 2A for batteries up to 1500mAh and 3A for batteries from 1500mAh and upwards.
  • Toggle switch allows for quick changing of charging mode for Li-Po or Li-Fe batteries.
  • LED indicates when the battery is charging, full or whether an error is detected. The charger shuts stops charging automatically when the batteries are full.
  • During each charging the battery the cells will be balanced automatically. This will ensure optimal life span of the battery's cells. 
  • UK/Ireland version with appropriate wall plug.
  • Note: This charger requires the connection of both battery harnesses (the balance lead and the Tamiya lead) to charge a battery. If your battery only has a balance connection (like the small Dogcom batteries), this charger is not compatible.
  • For charging Deans (T-Plug) batteries this adapter is required.
  • Features:
  • Fast charging.
  • Prolongs the battery life span.
  • Charges Li-Po and Li-Fe batteries.
  • Handles 2, 3, and 4 cell batteries.
  • Adjustable charging current.
  • Auto balances batteries.
  • Simple plug-and-charge use.

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