Jefftron Leviathan Mosfet - EVO 3

SKU 35610 / JT-LEV-S3
  • Leviathan - EVO3 is a processor controlled mosfet with wireless communication.
  • It adds new shooting modes, controls RoF, pre-cocking, active braking, low battery indication, statistics.
  • Everything is controlled via an APP on your smart phone (iOS and Android).
  • Device is fully integrated inside the gearbox of the ASG EVO 3 A1 instead of the original electronics.
  • It keeps all functions as original electronics - empty magazine detection, bolt catch, burst fire, battery low voltage protection.
  • Comes with all wires pre-soldered with a deans connector - no soldering needed.
  • Adds new shooting modes independent for every position on the fire selector (SEMI - BURST - AUTO).
  • Three adjustable bursts (range 2 - 20 shots).
  • Rate of fire can be reduced to 40%. It add breaks between shots to reduce RoF.
  • Using the included anti reverse latch will allow you to use pre-cocking, lower level active braking and DSG gears.
  • Adjustable strength active braking (can be disabled with installed ARL mode).
  • Pre-cocking function for instant shot on SEMI fire (can be used only with installed ARL mode).
  • Bolt catch lever has to be pulled after battery connection, which simulates loading the bullet into the barrel like in a real EVO.
  • Empty magazine sound indication and bolt catch lever can be deactivated in the app.
  • Electronic fuse set sensitivity for high current detection to avoid any damage if something goes wrong.
  • Low battery indication for 2S - 4S li-po and 3S - 4S li-fe.
  • Statistics screen shows shooting output with cycle timing, motor current consumption, rate of fire and mosfet temperature. It allows you to fine-tune gearbox upgrades.
  • Application shows actual battery voltage value. Color lines indicates battery charge status.
  • User can save multiple settings under profiles.
  • Update function fixes bugs and adds new features to the device.
  • There are three shot counters. Total count every shot during the device lifetime. User counter can be reset by user anytime. Power-up counter is reset by battery connection
  • Error log shows errors made during the device life.
  • For better security wireless connection can be disabled by the selector switch (can be deactivated).
  • Leviathan - EVO 3 monitors current, voltage and temperature to avoid any damage when something goes wrong.
  • Motor vibrates and beeps as a feedback for user.
  • Programmed settings are saved in the Leviathan - EVO 3 memory immediately after their change, so settings aren't lost when the battery is disconnected or lost connection with smartphone.

  • Independent for every position on the fire selector (SEMI - BURST - AUTO)
  • SAFE: no responding on the trigger pull.
  • Semi: it fires single shot per trigger pull.
  • Semi/Burst: short trigger pull fires single shot, long trigger pull fires burst.
  • Binary trigger: it fires single shot when trigger is pulled and another single shot when is released.
  • Burst: gun shoot burst per trigger pull.
  • BurstX+BurstY: short trigger press fires burstX, long trigger press makes burstX+burstY fire.
  • BurstX/Full: short trigger press fires burstX, long trigger press makes auto fire.
  • Full: gun makes auto fire until releasing trigger.

  • Easy installation inside the gearbox version ASG EVO 3 A1.
  • No modifications is needed in the gun or Leviathan - EVO3.
  • Compatible with Scorpion EVO 3 - A1, Scorpion EVO 3 - A1 B.E.T., Scorpion EVO 3 - A1 carbine with gearbox gen.1, version 2018 and version 2020
  • Compatible with stock trigger and CNC trigger.
  • Installation ARL Mode: with anti reverse latch you can use pre-cocking, lower level active brake and DSG gears.
  • It uses micro switch actuated by sector gear for perfect semi and burst fire timing.
  • Thanks to advanced electronics, Leviathan - EVO 3 can be used with any common gearbox upgrade and gun rate of fire.
  • There are high quality wires 1,5 mm (AWG16) with thin and hard MPPE insulation.
  • Wire outer diameter is only 2,06 mm.
  • Board is covered by conformal coating, it protect Leviathan - EVO3 against water.
  • Specified for common batteries up to 17V (Ni-xx 8.4 - 12V, lipo 7.4 - 14.8V).
  • Device increases gun rate of fire and battery holds longer, than with basic wiring.
  • With active braking ON piston isn't partially stretched, spring is fully released, parts in gearbox aren't under strain and nozzle locks hop-up chamber in greater part (depends on ROF).
  • In weapons with very high rate of fire (ROF) active brake solves multiple shots in semi mode.
  • The braking effect is the most powerful with high torque motor.
  • Remove from the gearbox: cut off lever, stock electronic, you will not need them with the Leviathan - EVO 3.

  • Leviathan can be used with brushless motor (Warhead, Option No. 1, etc.)The following functions in the Leviathan must be set to:
  • Active brake = Off
  • Rate of fire = 100%
  • Code: JT-LEV-S3

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