ASG 7.4V 250mAh Micro Li-Po Battery for HPA

by ASG
Sold out
SKU 18780
  • A tiny 7.4V Li-Po battery which is ideal for use with Polarstar and other HPA engines.
  • The battery is 7.4V 20c 250mAh.
  • Powers the FCU in most brands of HPA engines.
  • Extremely compact design for locating in pretty much any compartment of your rifle.
  • Comes with a JST-type connector and standard balance lead for charging.
Li-Po/Li-Fe battery warning: Always charge your Li-Po/Li-Fe battery in a fireproof bag. Charge your Li-Po/Li-Fe  battery on a hard, solid surface and away from other electronic devices. Only use a Li-Po/Li-Fe  battery charger and never leave a battery unattended, even in another room.

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